
Last night I felt my first earthquake! It is actually the second one since I’ve been here but I managed to sleep through the first one. I woke up last night and was convinced that Devon was shaking my bed. Then I realized he wasn’t as childish as me, in fact, even I wouldn’t do that to somebody, so came to the rushed conclusion that he was sleep walking and doing it in his sleep. But as you’ve probably guessed, it wasn’t Devon and he had been woken up by the earthquake as well.

Some other interesting things have happened over the last few days. During the rainy season, most of the animals start preparing their bodies for the dry season. So for some of us it wasn’t much of a surprise, but for me, it was a big shock to be told that the warrier ants had raided Eugenio’s house. They are totally carnivorous so will not scavenge. You can leave a plate full of food and they won’t touch it, but they will kill any insects, lizards or scorpions in the house. There were thousands of them all over the walls and floor and then moved onto the restaurant afterwards. I’m told they will go round each cabin by the end of the rainy season so I have their visit to our cabin to look forward to. Hopefully I won’t be asleep at that time because the visitors will tuck in without our invitation and that would be an unwelcome surprise.

And some other animals that have been threatening to pay us a visit. The other day, the whole schedule was changed round because the puma was too close for comfort. Last month, Dana was out sheepherding the goats along the ridge and she suddenly found herself face to face with the puma. It walked right up to her so that she could have touched it. Supposedly, in sheer desperation she began to speak to the cat telling it she meant no harm and that she didn’t want it to hurt her or the goats, and by some miracle it eventually turned and ran off into the bushes. So since then they have been very careful. So we were only allowed to do the jobs close to the village. Unfortunately, the ‘herbal garden’ boundary was 20 metres from our cabin so it didn’t fill us full of confidence. But hey we didn’t get mauled by it so I suppose it was fine.

You would be so proud of me. I have been digging so many holes, shovelling so much crap, and lifting so many stones that… I have developed rock, hard, crusty calluses!!! Yeah I knew you would be proud. Like mother like son. Haha.

Anyway, life is good here in the land of the Costa and I’m doing great. I am constantly hungry and eating all their food stocks (with the assistance of Devon of course), so for the communities sake rather than mine, of course, would it be possible to send me a food parcel of snacks and nibbles for between meals. Thanks.

Oh yeah and dad, I finished the book and it was great, I love Dan Abbenett’s books, but that does mean I’ll have to find something else to do with my free time.