
It is starting to get dark. We have spent the whole day travelling by bus, and are now at our destination, surrounded by clouds and listening to the sounds of distant thunder. I'm home. Home for the next three months.

Eugenio and I stood in the back of a pick up truck for the last hour, up the track to the village where we were met by a small band of familiar faces (but putting names to those faces was much harder).

I then had and hour to get unpacked and wander around, after a cold shower (give me a couple of days and I might get used to it).

Oh yeah, just something interesting that you might want to know about if you are going to travel in Costa Rica by bus. They may be late. This isn't due to poor organisation, or lots of traffic or even that they may not have watches. No, its because half way through the journey, the bus driver will pull over to the side of the road and do his shopping!!!

We were sat in the bus for a quarter of an hour watching him buy his fruit and veg on the opposite side of the road. I've been told this is the norm so be warned. But don't worry, he will then drive at break neck speed to make up for lost time. Twice we over took a lorry (bearing in mind we were in a bus) on a corner, when we couldn't see 10 meters ahead of us because we were in cloud! Everybody else didn't even blink, I suppose they trusted in the fact that we were probably a lot bigger than anything else coming the other way and would therefore to come off better. I've learned to close my eyes at those moments.

Well I'm totally spent and with me needing to get up for 'start of work' at 5:30am tomorrow, I think I better test my new bed.